“The moon has taken me on a tour of the universe twice.”

— Goddess Reaper

Astrology for Self-Discovery & Self-mastery

We all play a role in the great dance of the cosmos.

Astrology is the study and philosophical interpretation of planetary behavior in our solar system. The luminaries, or the sun and moon, are considered planetary bodies in astrology. Each planet travels through the cosmos in a consistently uniform fashion. Each planet has their own unique pace and pattern. For example, the moon takes about 2 and a half days to pass through a sign, whereas Neptune takes 14 years. All planets not counting the luminaries station retrograde at their own paces as well. Retrogrades are when a planet appears to be moving backward through the zodiac from the perspective of the Earth. Mercury stations retrograde the most often, 3-4 times each year for about 3 weeks at a time. Mars stations retrograde once every 2-2.5 years for 2-2.5 months at a time. The outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) station retrograde every year for several months. The planets continue this choreography for eons, and all their movements combine to create the great dance of the cosmos. We are a part of this dance, as our bodies complete their own choreographies through our physiological processes.

So what does this mean?

This planetary behavior, called transits, creates a completely new and individual astrological chart for any moment in time. This means that your birth chart is as individual to you as your fingerprint. A natal astrology reading with Goddess Reaper explores the many interactions the planets have with each other within the cosmos and discover profoundly insightful information about yourself, your inner mechanics, and your life destiny.

Millionaires don’t need astrology; billionaires do.” – J.P. Morgan

More specifically, Mr. Morgan, is that billionaires, or anyone that wants to stay ahead in the game, need electional and mundane astrology. Electional astrology is the use of astrology to predict the best time to do something. For instance, if you want to know whether it’d be best to sell your stock this month or next, you could consult Reaper for an electional astrology reading. She would cast a chart for you, your business, as well as look at future charts and analyze them for particularly lucky transits. If you want to know the best time to get into a new career field, start a business, or sell your stock, this is exactly the kind of reading you’d need.

Mundane astrology predicts world events and affairs. How would you have prepared for the COVID-19 outbreak if you had been warned months or maybe even years in advance that an airborne disease would sweep the globe? What can you expect for a post-COVID future? Will there be a proletariat uprising? Will student loan debt be universally forgiven? Will they ever text you back? A mundane astrology reading with Goddess Reaper can provide this clarity.

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