
Reaper’s readings

What is happening in the sky right now and what does it mean?

Astrologers help us answer these questions and many more easily and concisely. Astrology is a beautiful and complex tool that we use to understand the mathematics of the universe and our experience as part of it.

What does the universe want to communicate with me right now?

Sometimes it is difficult to decipher divine messages. Sometimes we receive a message, but we put it off and we tend to underestimate how that impacts us. Tarot is a way to bring what is lurking in the subconscious to the forefront, bring what lurks in the shadows into the light. It is also a way to honor the unity and interconnectedness of the human experience; tarot tells the classic tale of transformation, loss, renewal, stagnancy, growth— life! Your experience are also reflected in this age-old tale.

Saturn Square Uranus - THe Most important transit of 2021

This transit indicates a nudge from the cosmos towards revolution.

The time has come to rebelliously shatter the structures oppressing you. No matter how familiar, or seemingly indestructible, you can destroy these things and create a new life.

The vision will take time, organization, and effort-- all Saturnian things. But the desperate need for change, the willingness to sacrifice it all for it, is Uranian.

Its time to let go of restrictions, especially the ones that are self-imposed.

This transit suggests irreversible change; things will never be how they were before. But it will be okay.

Take time to process this: grieve, celebrate, scream, cry. Rebuilding can't be rushed; it takes time to build something new, especially if you want it to last.

This Uranus in Taurus transit symbolizes a long-term, deep transformation in the ways the collective relates to the Earth. This Saturn in Aquarius transit symbolizes an objective, eccentric relationship to governing and structure.

Perhaps this square is warning us of upcoming tension; it might be difficult to harmonize our radical ideas for our governments, institutions, and societal infrastructure and our ever-changing relationship with the Earth.

Become a Lunatic

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gothic tarot deck designed by Joseph Vargo

gothic tarot deck designed by Joseph Vargo


Four of Pentacles

Moderation is the difference between medicine & poison.

Do not to succumb to your temptations. Indulge in carnal pleasures but be mindful not to become gluttonous. As you accumulate wealth & power, use it responsibly.

Contrarily, you may be working towards something but have yet to see the results. Patience & consistency go a long way.

You have to care for a plant just right in order for it to yield specific results. Flowers need to be pollinated. Certain plants live in certain climates. Certain trees will bear nuts, fruit, and flowers all in different seasons.

You are very much a product of your environment as well. Observe the way it is influencing your tendency to overspend, overeat, make unwise sexual decisions, and otherwise overindulge in pleasure-seeking behavior.

Shadow Portals:

What do I have too much of? What do I have too little of?

Am I using my resources responsibly?

How is my environment influencing me to make wise decisions?